Wellness Blogs

Foundations of Fertility

Foundations of Fertility

Deciding to start a family can be a very exciting time, but it can also come with many questions, worries, and challenges. Whether you are just beginning to think about...

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Perimenopausal Nutrition

Perimenopausal Nutrition

Perimenopause and menopause represent times of significant change that often come along with unwanted or undesirable symptoms. One of the common changes we see during this...

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Chronic Pelvic Pain

Chronic Pelvic Pain

Chronic pelvic pain is a prevalent and challenging condition that affects many women. It is characterized as persistent non-cyclic pain in the lower abdomen or pelvic region...

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Recurrent UTIs

Recurrent UTIs

Exploring the Impact of Menopause and the Urobiome on the Urinary Tract Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are the most common bacterial infections in women. These infections occur...

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Hormone Replacement Therapy

Hormone Replacement Therapy

Menopause is a natural phase in a woman's life that typically occurs around the age of 50, although the timing can vary widely. This transitional period is due to hormonal...

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Lichen Sclerosus

Lichen Sclerosus

We are excited to start a monthly series where we dive into a different topic in women's health each month. The overall goal is to increase awareness around various conditions,...

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IV Nutrient Therapy

IV Nutrient Therapy

At Amber Wellness Group we believe in the incredible healing properties of the human body and make it our goal to offer effective treatments that support this dynamic. IV therapy...

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Nettles: How To Enjoy, Worry Free

Nettles: How To Enjoy, Worry Free

Stinging Nettles grow 2 to 5 feet tall and the leaves are coarsely toothed, pointed on the ends, and can be several inches long. Smaller, younger leaves are more heart-shaped....

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Mycotoxin Testing

Mycotoxin Testing

Mycotoxins (aka mold) is a particularly poignant topic for all of us who live in the rainy Pacific Northwest. Mold is of particular concern in regards to health because it is...

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Healthy Dairy Alternatives

Healthy Dairy Alternatives

The week of August 1st, is World Breastfeeding Week. The goal is to create awareness, support, and engage action on breastfeeding and related issues. While this can be a bigger...

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UV Safety Month

UV Safety Month

July is UV Safety Month, which seems quite appropriate. We wanted to share some of our favorite resources with you on how we keep protected from burns without coating ourselves...

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Outdoor Adventuring First Aid

Outdoor Adventuring First Aid

One of the many wonderful things to enjoy about living in the Pacific NW is the access to so many choices for outdoor adventuring. In the summer, this means camping and hiking...

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National Cancer Survivors Day

National Cancer Survivors Day

At Amber Wellness Group, we honor and support all in our community who have personally faced or who know someone who is a cancer survivor. The challenging journey from diagnosis...

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Mindfulness Group: Self-Compassion

Mindfulness Group: Self-Compassion

Join us for our upcoming 1-day mindfulness retreat focused on loving kindness towards ourselves. We will explore the fundamentals of mindfulness and how it can help us live...

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Naturopathic Mental Health Support

Naturopathic Mental Health Support

Mental Health Matters!! Many people experience anxiety, depression, or other mental health related concerns at some point in their lives. Sadly, this has become a more common...

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Healthy Fat Dense Dishes

Healthy Fat Dense Dishes

You know how joyful it is when everyone in your household enjoys the same meal. This salmon curry is one that all my picky eaters enjoy and it's packed with all those good...

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Uplift and Renew Herbal Blend

Uplift and Renew Herbal Blend

We love herbs! Using an herbal tincture is a great way to support your body and has the convenience of sitting on your bedside table, being tossed in your bag, and you don't have...

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Brain Health Tips

Brain Health Tips

If you have been feeling forgetful or experiencing brain fog you are not alone. Many of our patients come to us under high degrees of stress and worry about the state of their...

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Cancer Related Fatigue, It’s Real!

Cancer Related Fatigue, It’s Real!

Cancer related fatigue is defined as an ongoing lack of energy that is not improved by sleep and is not a result of overdoing it. This cancer related fatigue is chronic, it feels...

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Mycotoxins: When, Where, What, Why?

Mycotoxins: When, Where, What, Why?

There are so many things to LOVE about the climate that we live in and the beauty of the nature around us here in the Pacific Northwest. We definitely have the rain and moisture...

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American Heart Month

American Heart Month

There are many things we can include into our routines to support heart health and longevity. Here are a few of our favorite suggestions that you can easily incorporate into your...

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Basic Balanced Foods

Basic Balanced Foods

Sometimes the hardest part of making healthier food choices is knowing how to simplify and make it a sustainable change. We like to focus on filling you up with macronutrients...

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Self-Care for New Year

Self-Care for New Year

The future depends on what you do today. Mahatma Gandhi. There is no time like the present, to set an intention to live the life you want to live. To be our healthiest self, we...

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Holiday Season

Holiday Season

Hopefulness and cheer are how we are choosing to end 2021! A few thoughts to contemplate.... The holidays are a time of celebration, connection, and creating memories. One of the...

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Home Hydrotherapy Treatments

Home Hydrotherapy Treatments

It's that time of year, when we maybe indulge a little more and sleep a little less. This can set you up for lowered immune response to the cold and flus that also circulate this...

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Age Appropriate Preventative Exams

Age Appropriate Preventative Exams

We have all been reminded of the importance of prevention for acute illnesses the last year and a half, but are you keeping up to date on your age appropriate preventative exams?...

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Why Does Self Care Matter?

Why Does Self Care Matter?

What Happens to My Body when there is Unmatched Stress? When we are in a stressed state or in a hyper-cortisol (high or excessive) or hypo-cortisol (low or depleted) state, we...

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Fall Immune Tips

Fall Immune Tips

Have you had a late summer or early fall cold yet? Unfortunately, with younger kids in daycare or getting back to in person learning, the viruses that we all got a break from...

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