by Lisa Dickinson | Oct 30, 2023
We are excited to start a monthly series where we dive into a different topic in women’s health each month. The overall goal is to increase awareness around various conditions, to normalize experiences that so many of us encounter, and to offer accessible...
by Lisa Dickinson | Mar 13, 2023
Stinging Nettles grow 2 to 5 feet tall and the leaves are coarsely toothed, pointed on the ends, and can be several inches long. Smaller, younger leaves are more heart-shaped. Their stalks are square shaped. If you forage them, make sure to use gloves; these plants...
by Lisa Dickinson | Dec 9, 2022
Research has recently clued us in to the importance of maintaining a healthy gut microbiome, the complex system of microbes found in your intestines. Studies show that gut diversity lowers with age and that those who are relatively lean and healthy over 65 tend to...
by Lisa Dickinson | Aug 3, 2022
The week of August 1st, is World Breastfeeding Week. The goal is to create awareness, support, and engage action on breastfeeding and related issues. While this can be a bigger topic, we wanted to use this as an opportunity to highlight milk in general. The concept of...
by Lisa Dickinson | Jun 15, 2022
The first step is to find some calendula. This plant can be found throughout Portland. You can also purchase calendula flowers at various herb shops. The Herb Shoppe has always been a trusty place to source ingredients for medicine making. Click here for the link to...
by Lisa Dickinson | Apr 12, 2022
We love herbs! Using an herbal tincture is a great way to support your body and has the convenience of sitting on your bedside table, being tossed in your bag, and you don’t have to have a glass of water to swallow most of them. Tinctures are also a wonderful...