Lab Testing
To help us get a holistic view of your health, Amber Wellness Group has relationships with many laboratory companies. Our Lab Testing services include:.
Blood Analysis
- Local Labs: Billed to Insurance: Providence, Quest, Legacy, Labcorp, OHSU
- Patient Pay Labs Not Billed to Insurance: Boston Heart, Cleveland Heart, Access, Spectracell
Digestive Analysis
- Stool Analysis: Diagnostic Solutions (GI MAP), Doctor’s Data, Genova
- SIBO Testing: Aerodiagnostics
- Mold Testing: Mycotox Panel: Great Plains Laboratory
- Food Sensitivity Testing: US BIOTEK
Toxic Metals, and Chemical Exposures
- Heavy Metal Testing: Doctor’s Data – Urine
- Oxidation and Glutathione levels: Doctor’s Data
Neurotransmitter Urine Assessment
- Labrix Labs: Urine
- ZRT Labs Urine
Adrenal and Hormone Testing
- Labrix: Salivary
- ZRT: Salivary, Blood Spot
- Serum: through any lab above
- DUTCH: dried urine
Foot Sensitivity Testing
- US BIOTEK: serum and blood spot

Genetic Testing
- 23 and Me, Genetic Genie: Methylation and Detoxification Analysis
- Myriad for Women who have cancer or have family history of cancer
Circulating Tumor Cells
- Biocept (Breast and Ovarian Cancer)

*Please note: Clinic policy states that an appointment with one of the physicians is required to order labs. A follow up appointment is also required to review the lab results.