Prolon 5 day Cleanse
Time to get our bodies and health back on track. Dr. Lisa, Dr. Meghan, Dr. Jade and Dr. Sumner are strong believers in taking opportunities to reset your system, to reduce inflammation and help you create new patterns of eating healthfully again.
If you were anything like me during the pandemic years (yes we are going on years), eating and drinking became a free-for all.
All along, I maintained a healthy exercise program, but the food that makes me feel the best, was not the food I was always choosing. Add that to being peri-menopausal and the stress with managing home, school and work life in a pandemic, the pounds started piling on.
If you are inspired to clean up some of your unhealthy habits, improve your metabolism and shed a layer of inflammation… Read on!
A number of years ago, Valter Longo, PhD spoke at one of my naturopathic oncology conferences. His work compiles decades of research on the health benefits of a fasting mimicking diet. He along with the company L-Nutra and other scientists, developed a meal plan that allows you to eat and still give you the health benefits of actually doing a water fast.
Benefits of Fasting
If you are curious and want to know how you can achieve the benefits of fasting, live your life, eat food and be your healthiest self… Watch the video here! We hosted Dr. James Kelley from Prolon and are sharing this wonderful information!

Benefits of PROLON A Fasting Mimicking Diet
- Decreased Pain and Inflammation.
- Tissue repair, enhance the reparative process of the body.
- Improve the Detoxification Pathway and the Elimination of Wastes.
- Clearer Skin
- Increased Energy, Clarity and Concentration.
- Reset and Re-Incorporate Healthy Eating Patterns.
- Satisfaction that You are Optimizing Your Health and Sense of Well-being.
- Increase Metabolism (the average person loses 2.7-5 pounds). Benefits achieved when doing 3 cycles.

Benefits of Joining Amber Wellness Group for your PROLON Success:
- We are first and for-most on your Wellness Team!
- Join our PRIVATE Facebook Group (Longevity, Metabolism and Detox at Amber Wellness Group) to share successes and ask for guidance.
- We regularly post and will support you as you go through your Prolon program. If you would like to discuss preparation and how best to come out of the cleanse, you can schedule with Dr. Lisa Dickinson.
- Additionally, on the Private Facebook group, there are a lot of great ideas on how to think about food and options for continuing to reduce inflammation, support metabolism and continue to improve overall health and wellness.
- The Longevity Diet is Valter Longo’s easy to read book with explanations and research supporting the fasting mimicking diet and longevity. Until supplies run out, if you sign up through the Amber Wellness Group link or our office, will get a free book.
Amber Wellness Group Special Offer
When Ordering through the Amber Wellness Group link, you will receive 20% off your order.
** The discount is applied at check-out.
Longevity, Metabolism and Detox at Amber Wellness Group
Is a Private Facebook Support created by the doctors at Amber Wellness Group We will be available to answer questions and provide daily support for all of you who are going through the program.

Currently, intermittent fasting is one of the most searched words in google. Why, because we think that is the easiest way to take off the unwanted weight we have gained. Now, if fasting is done correctly, it can have incredible health benefits, with the added bonus of some weight loss. On the other hand, if you are NOT fasting with proper support or taking the rest of your health into consideration (such as your adrenals, stress, hormones, etc.), you may feel worse or see your metabolism shut down even further. One of the biggest issues with fasting is that we need to be in a relaxed state to really get the benefits.
Historically to have a successful water fast, people will often go away to facilities that provide medical supervision, in warm climates, providing a supportive and relaxing environment. This is vital to success of a true fast because if you are consuming only water, and stressed in any way, then your body will begin to burn your muscles as it’s food source.
“What I love about utilizing Prolon’s 5 day fasting mimicking program is that I can get the benefits of a water fast, while eating and continuing to balance my home and work lives.” Dr. Lisa
ProLon is backed by more than 20 years of scientific studies and $36 million in Research and Development. In which Dr. Longo and his colleagues have determined the number of calories one can consume and continue to get the benefits of a water fast, which translates into tricking your body into believing it is in a fasting state and you get to eat real food. This allows you to maintain your work and home life while incorporating a little more relaxation, during the 5-day fasting mimicking diet; which will prevent your body from burning lean muscle for a food source.
Having a supportive environment and positive mental outlook towards fasting is important. I would never say that fasting is an easy undertaking. That being said, the second time I did Prolon, (which was my first time in a few years), I planned it with a friend. It was so nice to know there was someone else out there who was also in the program that I could commiserate with and also share moments of success and encouragement too.
The research and many of the benefits of metabolism and longevity are based upon 3 rounds of 5 day modified fasting~ 25 days to 1 month apart.
We will support you whenever you choose to start. Please let us know!
A Truly Integrative Way of Addressing Specific and Chronic Diseases
Inspired by the longevity research of Professor Valter Longo, the medicines that L-Nutra is developing, combined with behavioral changes, is helping patients find ways to directly influence the trajectory of their health and have a direct impact on their chronic conditions and specific disease states. When using an integrative approach by working with your primary care doctor and your naturopathic doctor, we can combine medications, vitamins and herbal medicines as well as diet and lifestyle modifications so that we can specifically make a difference with:
- Cardiometabolic Diabetes DM/OB
- Inflammatory Bowel Disease
- Fatty Liver NASH/NAFLD
- Cancer
- Autoimmune Disease
- Women’s Health
- Neurodegenerative Disease
Dr. Lisa’s Testimonial
Cheese is one of my indulgences and is also one of the worst foods for me. It is not typically a staple in my diet, but during the pandemic it became one of my daily treats.
So, my motivation to do the cleanse was not only to improve my health, but to decrease inflammation and to increase mental clarity. I have been trying to improve my hip flexibility for years. Instead of doing my typical workout, which also included yoga, during the cleanse I only did a 30-minute yoga class. I have done this type of hip opening class for years and actually by day 3 of the cleanse, I was for the first time able to do a full fire log pose, which if you don’t know, is a double pigeon and a deep hip opener and was able to continue doing this through the full 5 days.
Other benefits that I experienced was an increase in mental clarity and an overall weight loss of 3 pounds. After the cleanse, I have been motivated to take a deeper dive into the benefits of the fasting mimicking diet and continue to keep dairy out of my diet, and minimal carbohydrates. Eating all the good healthy fats that I recommend to my patients and tons of fresh fruits and vegetables. A renewed sense of pleasure in the simplicity of what is in season and delicious right now. And that mental clarity is still there! All pretty inspiring to keep it going.
The first time I did the 5-day Prolon program in 2019, I was running a lot more. Not only did I achieve the above benefits, I also was so surprised that after (I did not run during the 5 days) my minute mile improved by an entire minute without any more effort.
I hope you consider joining us and see what Prolon does for you.
Amy’s Testimonial
“I was looking for something to help with inflammation and to work through an injury after running a marathon and a 50k race very close together. Prolon was the perfect opportunity for a reset! I felt a noticeable difference in my knee pain and mobility after my first round. Running without pain and feeling energized.
I also love the structure and simplicity of the program. I allowed myself to rest and focused on fueling my body to enhance cellular rejuvenation. When I approached this program with what I DO get (benefits of water fasting, with tasty food?! Yes please!) instead of what’s missing, I’m set up for success. It’s five days and it’s worth it!”
Relevant Research and Background Information
If you have any questions or for more information, please call Michelle. If you have a friend or family member who is not a patient who would like to do Prolon with you, they are welcome. We know that having a support system during a cleanse is a great way to be successful!
Fall Start Dates for Amber Wellness Clinic Support
- Round 1: 9/16/22
- Round 2: 10/15/22
- Round 3: 11/14/22