by Lisa Dickinson | Jul 11, 2022
July is UV Safety Month, which seems quite appropriate. We wanted to share some of our favorite resources with you on how we keep protected from burns without coating ourselves in toxins. One great resource is put out by the environmental working group (EWG). They...
by Lisa Dickinson | Jul 8, 2022
One of the many wonderful things to enjoy about living in the Pacific NW is the access to so many choices for outdoor adventuring. In the summer, this means camping and hiking for many of us. So we have created this first aid kit checklist of what you’ll need to...
by Lisa Dickinson | May 13, 2022
Join us for our upcoming 1-day mindfulness retreat focused on loving kindness towards ourselves. We will explore the fundamentals of mindfulness and how it can help us live healthier lives. When we learn how to bring mindfulness and loving kindness into our lives, our...
by Lisa Dickinson | Jun 4, 2021
In celebration of National Cancer Survivorship day on June 6th, and all throughout the month of June, Amber Wellness Group is offering our female cancer survivors 30% off a series of 3 Mona Lisa Touch or ThermiVa treatments. Both of these Treatments provide...