Exploring Myofascial Release and the Power of Mind-Body Medicine

Exploring Myofascial Release and the Power of Mind-Body Medicine

In a fast-paced modern world we often struggle to find slowness. It is so easy to feel overwhelmed and exhausted by everything and yet somehow still feel like we are never doing enough. Stress is a significant part of life in this modern world and unfortunately, we are often disconnected from the ways to complete the stress response cycle and allow our bodies to truly rest.

The mind and the body are intricately connected and constantly sending bi-directional signals. The body is sensing information from internal and external environments and sending signals to the mind just as the mind is sending signals to cue a response from the body. Emotions and stress have powerful influence over the body and can result in physical conditions in the body when ignored for a prolonged time.

Recognizing this interconnectedness is crucial to understanding how to support the whole system. Harnessing the mind body connection is powerful medicine.

Myofascial Release:

Fascia is a remarkable and complex network of connective tissue that forms a matrix around muscles, bones, organs, nerves, and blood vessels. The fascial system plays a crucial role in maintaining structural integrity and is a powerful energetic and emotional system.

Myofascial release is a bodywork modality that aims to listen to the unique story of each body through touch and gently guide tissue and fascia to release tension patterns. This approach is gentle yet profound and allows for deep rest and nurturing to the nervous system.

Ways that myofascial release can support the system:

  • Addressing tension patterns to reduce chronic pain and reduce muscle hypertonicity.
  • Reducing restriction to support healthy movement and prevent compensatory strategies that lead to further pain.
  • Improve circulation and lymphatic flow to help reduce inflammation and aid in tissue healing.
  • Support the parasympathetic nervous system to allow for the body to rest and move out of a stress response.
  • Create a space for mind-body connection to explore internal sensations and areas of stored emotions with the goal of reducing anxiety and supporting mood.

What to expect during a myofascial release treatment:

Establishing a place for the body to get quiet and release stress is a wonderful way to support any healing journey. By combining mindfulness and hands-on manual therapy we can create a safe container to explore the connection between the physical and emotional bodies. It can take a few sessions to start to truly “unwind” but the overall goal is to create a curiosity around what it feels like to come into the body and where we can find areas of tension that need release. The body contains the wisdom of its own healing. Sometimes we just have to slow down and get quiet enough to listen.

Dr. Jade has a passion for body work, combining modalities of Shiatsu, myofascial release, visceral manipulation, and Thai massage. She understands the power of hands-on therapy as well as the interconnection between the musculoskeletal and nervous systems. She uses bodywork to support a variety of conditions including chronic pain, migraines, anxiety, and stress. These appointments can provide a time to drop in and allow for rest in a supportive environment.

Please give Michelle a call to schedule an appointment for you to experience Dr. Jade’s therapeutic touch.

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