Wellness Blogs

National Cancer Survivorship Day!

National Cancer Survivorship Day!

In celebration of National Cancer Survivorship day on June 6th, and all throughout the month of June, Amber Wellness Group is offering our female cancer survivors 30% off a...

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IBS Awareness Month

IBS Awareness Month

The month of April is IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) awareness month. IBS affects 10-15% of Americans and can have a dramatic impact on a person's daily activities. The main...

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PCOS Wellness and Digging In

PCOS Wellness and Digging In

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome aka PCOS, is a hormone disorder that affects 1 in 10 reproductive aged women. Key features of the syndrome are unpredictable periods, difficulties...

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Adrenal health = healthy libido!!

Adrenal health = healthy libido!!

The health of your adrenal glands plays a significant role in libido. Simply stated, if you are depleted and not refueling, then your subconscious body will put sex on the back...

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Xenoestrogens and Detoxification

Xenoestrogens and Detoxification

Liver detoxification is becoming a common health practice for many good reasons. Both Dr. Lisa and Dr. Meghan recommend periodic cleanses as a way to reduce oxidative stress and...

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December Gifts From AWG to You!

December Gifts From AWG to You!

B12 shots for $25 during the month of December -Feel the vitality! Support energy and your general well being! $10 off for the entire month of December 2020, no limit on how many...

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Daily Wellness Foundations: Sleep

Daily Wellness Foundations: Sleep

This is a big topic, but giving yourself the gift of sleep is vital to your wellness. Included below are some sleep hygiene tips to help you fall asleep quickly and easily. If...

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Daily Wellness Foundations

Daily Wellness Foundations

Many times we get focused on the big picture of living a life of wellness. We often create lofty goals and try to achieve "perfect" wellness. However, that is not the point!...

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Loving Kindness Meditation

Loving Kindness Meditation

Let us first explore some of the helpful qualities of mindfulness.  Many of my patients, friends and family have expressed the challenges they face when they have tried to...

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A Time for Reflection

A Time for Reflection

Can you believe it's November already?! Though this year has felt long in many ways, it still feels surprising that November is upon us. As November typically brings shorter days...

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Autumn at AWG

Autumn at AWG

It is officially fall! This time of year always makes me think of harvest and gratitude, which I realize is a little cliche, but I think it is also an important perspective to...

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Hello Friends, Family and our Greater Community, Here comes fall and a new normal for many of us trying to continue distance learning for ourselves or our children. One thing we...

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Unfortunately, 1 in 7 women will experience some type of chronic pelvic pain during her lifetime. This can be due to infections, internal growths like cysts or fibroids, changes...

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Female Hormones: A Balancing Act

Female Hormones: A Balancing Act

Hormone health is an important topic that can affect everyone throughout their lifetime. Some common symptoms of hormone imbalance are irritability, acne, low libido, unwanted...

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Premenstrual Syndrome

Premenstrual Syndrome

You’re likely already familiar with the term, but PMS stands for premenstrual syndrome. This refers to over 200 symptoms that women may experience with their menstrual cycle....

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In Office and Telemedicine Update!

In Office and Telemedicine Update!

These days of uncertainty can feel hard to handle. The unknown of this time of sheltering takes a toll emotionally, physically, and mentally. Please know that even though we are...

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