B12 Shot

December Gifts From AWG to You!

B12 shots for $25 during the month of December -Feel the vitality! Support energy and your general well being! $10 off for the entire month of December 2020, no limit on how many times you use this special, but only available in December. Many people will come in 1-2 times a week over a 4 week period. Feel great today!

We are doing a fun holiday gift back to you this year with scratch off cards in every supplement bag or shipment from our office. Come in or order with Michelle to get yours before supplies run out. Each scratch-off card will have a discount, free shipping, or other fun promotion. Everyone is a winner at AWG!!

Gift Certificates – if you would like to purchase a gift of wellness for a loved one or friend, we can help you! If your wellness is something you would like support from loved ones this holiday season, let them know that we can provide gift certificates in your name.

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Foundations of Fertility

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