June is a Time of Transition

Be Nourished… And Lead a Balanced Life

June is a Time of Transition

So much has happened in our world and our lives over the last few weeks, as well as the months of navigating the state of affairs of the current pandemic. The energy each one of us is drawing on in order to handle the stress, restlessness, and uncertainty has a limit. In order to continue marching on, this needs to be rooted and supported in community and self-care. We want you to know that we are in support of you, our community, the voices and stories that are needing to be told, to be heard, to be listened to and understood. If we can provide each other with compassion and a place to be seen and valued, the healing can begin.

Last month, we had our first Women’s Power and Pleasure class, helping women find the strength and grounding potential that is born within each of us. In this chaotic time, it is so important to understand your body and be able to incorporate some basic techniques to stay strong and empowered. The class is online and able to be purchased with the full recording and resources through our website here. This was an inspiring class to create and share and will be a pre-requisite for our future workshops addressing women’s health topics through the ages.

If you haven’t heard, we have been actively posting on our social media platforms. Our goal is to bring awareness and de-stigmatize women’s pelvic floor and sexual health concerns. There are so many possibilities for wellness when balance is achieved. You will see posts on women’s wellness with condition focused pelvic floor posts to help bring more insight, information and inspiration. We would be honored if you followed us on Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn and YouTube pages.

Finally, whether your county has moved out of or you are anxiously awaiting moving out of quarantine and into phase 1 of reopening, we want you to stay healthy and safe. Until there is more certainty, please continue to follow the safety guidelines laid out by the regulatory authorities of the county health departments, the CDC and WHO. Continue following basic hygiene measures such as frequent hand washing or use of hand sanitizer, staying 6 feet apart at public places, and wearing masks to protect those around you as well as yourself from airborne pathogens.

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