Bringing Mind Body Medicine into your School, Business or Healthcare Setting
Benefits of Mind Body Medicine and Mindfulness Meditation are well researched and have been practiced for many years. When an individual or group of people engage in Mind Body Medicine their brain activity opens up to all kinds of possibilities. When we engage the parasympathetic nervous system and reduce the stress response we see
improved immune functioning, increased creativity, lowering of blood pressure and reduced anxiety.
Dr. Lisa Dickinson provides individualized workplace programs to support self-awareness and self-expression. When individuals and groups come to know ourselves better, we share more easily and fully. When we have a deeper level of self-awareness it may allow us to respond differently to choices, create possibilities and expand opportunities. In our groups we will share our discoveries to help free us from self-consciousness, and to overcome patterns that perpetuate isolation and stress and move into a culture of compassion, creativity and collaboration.
If your Business, Healthcare Setting, Support Group or Educational Institution could use our support, please click on the button below and we will coordinate with you.
2-hour Sessions, 8 Sessions Per Course
Tuition dependent upon class size
To learn more about individualized 1:1 mindfulness support with Dr. Lisa Dickinson, please visit our mind body medicine page.