The holiday season, while often joyful, can be a stressful time for many. Relationship dynamics, financial pressures, packed schedules of social events, and concerns about diet or overindulgence can make this time of year especially challenging.
When you’re under stress, your body activates the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, triggering the release of stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline. While these hormones are essential for short-term “fight or flight” responses, chronic stress can lead to imbalances that disrupt the production of other key hormones, including estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, insulin, and prolactin. This can lead to potential issues like irregular menstrual cycles, disrupted ovulation, mood swings, low libido, and fertility challenges.
We can’t completely eliminate stress, but there are things we can do to effectively manage it so it doesn’t interfere with our health. Some ways to reduce stress during the holidays include setting boundaries – you don’t have to say yes to every event or task you’re asked to join or do. It’s also a good time to practice delegating tasks so you’re not doing it all – ask your partner, family members, kids or friends to help you. This is especially important so you can continue to take care of yourself. One of the best ways to manage stress is to make sure you’re doing the basics to take care of yourself by getting adequate sleep, nourishing yourself with healthy food, mild exercise, and rest. And given the spirit of the holidays, it may be a good time to practice gratitude or mindfulness. Supporting your adrenal glands with nutrients like B vitamins, magnesium and adaptogens are also important. By taking proactive steps to manage stress, you can enjoy a healthier, more balanced holiday season while safeguarding your hormonal health.